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Leighann Perry, BSN, RN, CEN

Nurse Spotlight


Stories of Florence Nightingale’s compassion, bravery, and leadership have shaped modern nursing and influenced and inspired millions. As we celebrate the 200th anniversary of her birth, we are honored to shine a light on today’s #NurseHeroes on the front lines by sharing some of their stories.

This is Leighann’s story.


“What I have always known is that Nurses are strong, resilient, and adaptable. We will go to the ends of the earth for our patients and, as leaders, for those we lead.”


Describe why you chose to become a nurse 

My parents raised me to be compassionate for all humanity. As I grew up, I felt an innate empathy for the human condition. I needed to find something to do each day in which I could be a integral part of alleviating suffering. Nursing was it and still is after 33 years!

Describe your most rewarding day on the job

I was working a weekend shift in the ED. As the Charge Nurse, I received a pre-alert call from Rescom to prepare for multiple trauma victims. Depending on the acuity, 3-4 trauma patients can be considered a lot. That particular day, we were receiving 10-15 highly acute patients! I notified the Clinical Administrator, and within moments, nurses were pouring in from all over the hospital. We were gifted with a nurse from each ICU. I was awestruck by the flow of these nurses, working alongside the ED nurses to provide excellent care for every one of these injured patients! It was extraordinary!!!

Describe your most challenging day on job

Many days are challenging. On one occasion in the ED, we received multiple pediatric patients requiring resuscitation. Our team of trauma nurses resuscitated the children for several hours. This was challenging as well as heart wrenching. Our team met at the end of the shift for a critical stress debriefing, a tremendous support offered by WakeMed for days such as these.

Do you have any nurse hacks or lessons learned in the field you would like to share with others?

1. Use an alcohol wipe when removing tape from an IV site. Moistening it prior to removal makes it much less painful for your patient.

2. Always listen to your patient. They are the expert on their body; allow them to be part of their care.

What’s a favorite quote of yours?

“Spread Love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.” -Mother Teresa

Anything else you’d like to share?

Nurses are committed, compassionate, and conscientious about caring for everyone. Yet, many of us have difficulty giving the same care to ourselves. At times, we end up caring for others at our own expense. This will eventually lead to compassion fatigue and burnout. Some nurses believe it is altruistic to care for others, but selfish to care for one’s self. I am still learning this concept. Love yourself, unconditionally.

For those looking for a way to help others, is there a charity you suggest?

Project Angel Food prepares and delivers healthy meals to feed people impacted by serious illness, bringing comfort and hope to them.




Leighann’s Nomination

The ShiftWizard Team was so moved by the emotional resonance of Leighann’s nomination for Benita Smith that we nominated Leighann ourselves. Leighann’s description of her leader Benita and – especially – the profession of Nursing is worth reading again:

I am an Educator/Supervisor in the ED. What I have always known is that Nurses are strong, resilient and adaptable. We have never thought of ourselves as heroes. We will go to the ends of the earth for our patients, and as leaders, for those we lead. I have seen that firsthand on the frontlines for over 30 years!
This pandemic has stretched us in unique ways. I have observed Benita, my leader, handle the everyday changes, sometimes moment to moment with a steadiness and grace that makes me feel safe. Because of her radiant example, I am able to provide direction, comfort and strength to our staff. Something so awful has given each of us a chance to rise to this occasion to show ourselves and the world that the profession of nursing is honorable and that together, WE ALL SHINE!!!

– Leighann Perry, BSN, RN, CEN

Thank you for helping us honor the profession of nursing, Leighann. We salute you! 


Do you have a story to share?

While our team at ShiftWizard believes all nurses are heroes, we’d like to hear who you feel has gone above and beyond. Help us honor a fellow nurse or nurse leader whose actions have inspired others in these unprecedented times, and let’s celebrate nursing together!

Did you know that ShiftWizard significantly lowers staffing costs for healthcare organizations? 

These are incredibly challenging times for nurses as well as the organizations they serve, and there’s no better time to learn how ShiftWizard can deliver significant cost savings, best prepare your team for success, and be a dependable partner in times of adversity.

Our industry-leading workforce management solution is quick to implement and was developed by nurses— it is built specifically for healthcare and solves the complexities of scheduling staff for any department within a hospital. And, especially for times like these, our powerful communication center excels at getting messages (text, email, and automated calls) to staff securely and quickly, maximizing accountability and teamwork.

We are honored to support our frontline teams and we are here to help you meet your challenges head on.

Send your nurse story to us at or let us know how we can help you.