Product Tip: Communicate via Message Center

Communicate via ShiftWizard’s Message Center Did you know? ShiftWizard™ offers a full-featured Communication Center stacked on top of its scheduling solution with the ability to send segmented messages via email, text, voicemail or internal message. The integrated Communication Center allows staff to accept shifts in as little as one click, ensuring that internal decisions are […]
ShiftWizard Product Tip: Nurse Fatigue

Did you know that ShiftWizard will track and report on nurse fatigue according the four ANA nurse fatigue guidelines?
3 Surprising Ways Nurse Scheduling Technology Can Foster a Positive Workgroup Culture

It’s undeniable that technology can bring people closer together. Just look at the billions of people around the globe who renew and maintain friendships on social media platforms. Hospitals likewise can use technology to build a positive workforce culture – without investing in any new software. Simply use ShiftWizard to foster esprit d’corps in these […]
Tame Holiday Scheduling Woes with ShiftWizard

Even under the best of circumstances, holiday staffing can turn ugly fast. One nurse just left your office after complaining about how she “always” has to work the holidays, while another one is just entering to complain she “never” gets to work those premium shifts. And then, on Christmas Eve, you get an eleventh-hour phone […]
How Using ShiftWizard Improves Your Life as a CNO

Chief Nursing Officers often feel constant pressure to control costs while maintaining high patient care standards, recruiting and retaining nurses and enhancing staff morale. That’s a lot to juggle. You can recapture some of your professional quality of life with just one easy action, though: deploy scheduling software. Surprised? Discover these three ways your life […]
How to Make Clinical Software Implementations …Fun?

Let’s not beat around the bush: Changing or upgrading the EMR – or adding components like integrated scheduling software – can evoke a variety of negative reactions in nurses and non-clinical staff members alike. Not infrequently, grumbling may emanate from clinicians and administrators at the mention of an “upgrade” or “new implementation” because the process […]
4 Vacation Scheduling Tips for Nurse Managers

Memorial Day is in the rearview mirror. Schools let out weeks ago. Soon the summer vacation requests will begin hitting your desk – if they haven’t already. Vacation time gives nurses the chance to refresh and recharge. Taking an extended block of time off work can help them avoid compassion fatigue and nurse burnout. You […]
Does Your CNO Succession Plan Address these Key Questions?

High rates of turnover in the healthcare C-suite have been documented for years. In 2017, hospital CEO turnover reached 18 percent, according to the American College of Healthcare Executives, and nurse officers also come and go with frequency. Many of today’s CNOs belong to the Baby Boomer generation, and those leaders, who began retiring in […]
3 Reasons Texting Can Help Your Healthcare Organization

By nature, healthcare is an always-on industry. Your employees—no matter what their roles—have a lot on their plates. From direct patient care to administrative duties, every detail matters. With so much information flying around the facility, communication can be difficult. You can’t afford for something to slip through the cracks because your patients are counting […]
8 Strategies for Recruiting and Retaining Millennial Nurses

With fewer nurses entering the field, and with large numbers of Baby Boomers retiring, nurses are in high demand. This means that nurse leaders must be proactive if they’re going to successfully recruit and retain millennial nurses to help reduce the pressure of today’s shortage. After reviewing U.S. Census Bureau data, Pew Research found that […]